In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
All of us do agree and recognized that history has shown to us that Knowledge is as important as it is. It's has gone through the evolution of mankind in pursuit of a divine life.
Now, we do have to make a U-turn for a while , just to see where we have achieved , or died trying to be as nostalgic as it seem to be , so that we can leap off to the peak of an excellent mark.
The golden question to be ask here is; Have we learned something from history?
Normally, the platform for us to set off, is where the base of the platform of a knowledge and a civilization. This is to differentiate the modifications civilization that has the elements of a negative and positive manner.
The History in Islam has proved to us, that the great leaders and the intellectual is build on the accent of a well define knowledge and with an excellent characters , do has educate or has the glimpse to influenced the people or a community to be more intelligent and more advance in pursuit of a well define life.
Now, there's a movement to make a knowledge more interesting to the people, has created a vast opportunity and challenged as to make it more lively.
In pursuit of this diverse knowledge, Islam does have set the guide. Muslims and Muslimahs do have to be more opened, with a lot of patient, and more cleared visions as to the direction of their live, in furnishing the responsibility and the accountability towards ALLAH. With this Islam never has at any time or situation put a person in a stage of a Coma or in the cocoons of ignorance.
To my bless audiences, there's a vast of knowledge in articles and books that the world has gather, to be swallow with a great commitments by the people.
But do also remember knowledge also can be gather from past and present experience, from the analytical mind towards the creations of ALLAH in this world, the behavior define by an individual, the atmosphere created by a communities or a country , or a time, or even a mood past by an individual.
The history of Islam has shown that a leader of a ummah, that has the passion towards a knowledge like The Caliph Ma'amun, do have a great impact towards their functions as a caliph.
In his book Dr. Ahmad Shalaby, did mentioned that Al Ma'mun is a great and a very learned person in the history of Islam. Al Ma'amun do contribute with excellent to the communities by translating books from various author and discipline.
As the saying goes; A book always in a silence when you want it to be silence, spoken when you want it to speak. It never disturbed you when you are busy with your work, but when you feel lonely, it will be a great companion to be with.
With the quotes given, It's shows that communities of Islam in the past and present, do have the attitude of pursuing a knowledge is something to be proud of. Time has passed, history do can be forgotten and created again and again.
It's very wrong not to recall the greatness of the past known intellectuals and leaders for their efforts on championing a movements towards a distribution of a knowledge, to the communities with pride and sorrows. To appreciate it, we should be more aggressive to the struggle to succeed.
My dear audiences, here do I stand and call on upon all of us , that always has the thirst and the passion towards a knowledge. Do hunt and dig the knowledge, because it is the As to say the Light Of Wisdom do travels in every ways. But the problem always, is, US, as to how do we make uses of the given knowledge meaningfully. I do believe, with the sincere commitments and dedications, with the right path guided by ALLAH , we do can fulfill the trust and responsibility given.
And last but not lease, I do hope that the communities will cherished and bloom like a flowers. Definitely it's nice to be seen as the icon of a true knowledge searcher.
. Be sure to manage and impart the good knowledge with a good will and sincerity.
Khamis, 9 April 2009
Posted by SRI PANJI- WORLD OF TRUST. at 4:36 PTG 0 comments
Rabu, 8 April 2009
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
Keputusan terbaharu pilahanraya tidak mengejutkan, mungkin bagi umno dan bn yang selalu sangat suka terkejut atas kegagalan dan kepincangan mereka dalam banyak perkara.
Saranan tim.presiden umno untuk melantik satu badan bebas mrmbuat penyelidikan dan analisa kegagalan tersebut.
Saya menyarankan tidak perlu lagi UMNO membuang dan membazirkan wang lagi. Cukuplah dengan pembaziran yang telah dilakukan , apa yang perlu dilaksanakan umno ialah :
Umno perlu bangkit sekarang dari dibuai mimpi-mimpi indah nya yang dibawakan oleh tiupan-tiupan dan dorongan-dorongan palsu. Jika tidak ! pada pilihanraya ke 13 nanti, malaysia akan mencatatkan satu sejarah barunya dimana kecundangnya kemepimpinan 63 tahun (hanya pada usia sahaja ).
Maka akan bermula semula episode-episode meratapi kekesalan seperti mana yang telah berlaku pada kesultanan Melaka oleh sultan dan rakyat jelata, akibat kealpaan sendiri untuk memenuhi amanah allah.
Allah menciptakan hambanya yang bernama manusia sebagai khalifah, dimana manusia perlu membantu diantara sama lain dalam memakmurkan dunia dan kehidupan ini, bukan menguasai dan menindas. Perlu diketahui manusia tiada daya cipta ( mencipta adalah hak allah ), yang ada ,hanyalah daya memenafaatkan sesuatu ilmu yang baru ditemui ( hidayah allah )kepada kemakmuran kehidupan. Manusia juga disarankan kepada setiap muslim dan muslimah untuk menyebarkan islam seluas-luasnya dengan disertai doa-doa agar mana-mana manusia yang kufur kembali semula ke jalan yang lurus dengan hidayah dan rahmat allah.
Pedulikan apa orang lain nak kata, umno perlu mentazkirah dan bermuhasabah pada dirinya sendiri. Umno perlu membentuk jati dirinya dengan kental tanpa hidup bergantung dengan sabjek lain kecuali allah s.w.t.
Umno tak perlu hidup bermewah-mewah kerana ia perlu sedar diawal pembentukkan nya , hartanya datang dari orang-orang yang hidup nya susah, bergadai dan bersedekah kerana untuk menyelamatkan maruah bangsa dan agamanya. Kembalikan hak-hak mereka yang ditindas dan yang dinafikan.
Semoga umno berjaya menemui jalan pulangnya dengan izin allah s.w.t
Hanya allah yang mengetahui.
Posted by SRI PANJI- WORLD OF TRUST. at 9:57 PG 0 comments