Selasa, 17 Februari 2009


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.

For all the so called Malay Educated or can I put it this way; This is a translated copy of a blog that I've posted it on 11th of November 2008 in "Bahasa Melayu" ;

For all the High echelon Malays and their conspirators, that always had a believe that "Bahasa Melayu" is nothing if it is to compared with the so called establish language.

And they do believe, that "Bahasa Melayu" is just a spoken language from an unknown Malay Archipelagos', where all their grand's and ancestor survived with a dedicated struggle just to tell the world; here do exits a very dominance and civilize people carrying their spoken language with a pride and honesty.

After a while this post sit in my blog, with hope and assurance, that maybe someday or somebody or somehow a few people ( The So called "The Alert Malays" )will come and surf the net and find my post, an suddenly realize that he/she has the responsibility to voice out that , "Malay do exits in language with a flash and blood of a dyeing warriors". Insyallah with the grace of Allah, there's a light at the end of a small tunnel.

And after all the hope and prayers, Yesterday GAPENA ( The old and weak Malay Literature Association, rise to the stage of a reality world, proclaiming the rights of a said language. )

And now is the said translation:

I heard there's a association want to organized a Malay Congregational Convention; and their main function is to discuss all the latest problems or issues pertaining to the Malaysia Malay world, since a Tsunami had strike off the Malay politics arena. Nevertheless this is not a real Tsunami, it just a created Tsunami with a small high and low wave passing by the Malays in their own sweet dreams.

With all the sweetest dreams they had, ALLAH with all his mighty power, lease a simple blow towards the dreaming nation, on the failure of theirs so called the very achieving leaders and leaderships to uphold and adhere the principles of basic responsibility as a caliph.

As I understand it, there's already the same said congregational being organized in 2005. And they do agree and successfully had come out with a 20 resolutions to work with. But up until now, nothing visualized on the so called a Action Plan on the said resolutions. It's seems that the Leaders of the said congress really as a Malay proverb said " HIDUP SEGAN MATI TAK MAU"

And lately a breaking news strike against the Malay world again, A Prominent figure in a Malay Country and on a Malay Land, suggested that the English Language need a lot more of a synergy to bring the language to the level of a good practice and command by the people of Malaysia. It's to believed that the people of Malaysia could not survived in a very challenging world today without practicing or failed to practice the English Language. This sort of thinking will definitely crush the ongoing evolutions and all the pride of a language. Seems that the Malay language again will be the ball of the century in the Malay World, land, and Country.

After all the said Malay language has already gone through the denial stage. Our Leaders do, most of the time feels the shy to practice and speak the language, when they have all the time to do it. They do believe that their egos and pride will eroded, if they speak in their mother tongue in public and at any gatherings in the country. I really do want to asked them, Where has the slogan " A Practice through A Leadership ", gone. They do most of the time propagated it to the people to adhere to the slogan.

I do want to asked them, Where do the Bahasa Melayu, stand? Many people proclaimed that Bahasa Melayu has already statue in the Constitutional. It's seems so, only on the sheets of a paper ( nothing can be doned, anymore ). Where's their pride as a nation. After 50 years of Independence, the people of Malaysia still do not have the pride of a nation. If this is the attitude of the leaders and their leaderships shown, what can we aspect from them anything more?. Towards the end the Malays World will surely corroded and we start to lost so many thing; starting with it language, then follow up other things, and at the end the Malay World will start to losing their official religion of a country.

What can we hope for from the congregational and the conferences of the Malays. If the so called Leaders, and all the prominent figures most of the time seems like to be rhetoric with the power they hold , and as always their needs comes first, without any shame and shy, they slaughter down their own pride, of a religion, and language, and eventually their brothers and sisters without any hesitation to uphold the bulks that had been scattered all over the world.

The Malay language still floating without any clear direction in it birth land. Where are the Champions and the so called warriors, that had said to have pursuit the matter vocally in every conferences at any level, and on every media they came across. Seems like, we still breed a seasonal warriors.

Why?, do The Frenchman's, Japanese, Germaine ,Chinese and a bucket of them, can achieved and succeed in every activities they ventured into, without the exception of their language; except of course the Malays, that always have the intention to kill their own language.

For me, enough is enough for the Leaders of the Malay to keep on struggling and quarrels between them, and at most of the time keep on rhetoric over an unfound power. It's will never save you from the true justice ( The Judgment Day ), unless we do behold and adhere the trust through the principles set up by the almighty ALLAH s.w.t


Languange is the soul of a Nation.


Only ALLAH knows.